Your funding journey starts now!

What's the biggest roadblock to starting real estate investing? Funding! Where do I get the money?

You know you want to use other people's money but....

When talking to lenders, other investors, and property owners it is important to know your stuff.

You can achieve better deals when negotiating with property owners and lenders when they don't think you're a complete rookie. Let's be honest this is a relationships business, lenders need to be able to trust you with their money and property owners will treat you as the authority when you know how the system works.

You don't want to be the one asking the lender hundreds of silly questions and having them be annoyed at you for your lack of understanding of the process.

You also don't want property owners shrugging off your offer because they feel like you don't know where your money is going to come from.

Other investors will be more interested in partnering with you because you'll bring knowledge of the funding process to the table.

While seeing house transformations and big checks is cool and exciting to watch, it doesn't help you if you don't have any foundational information on how to get to that point.

All modules in the course are clear and to the point.

You can take as much time, or as little time as you need to understand the processes.

I've taken out all the extra fluff and salesy stuff you normally get in a real estate investment course. This course focuses on how to get hard money funding and what you need to do to secure it.

You're busy trying to start your real estate empire. You don't have time to be reading or listening to everyone else's success's time to become your own success story.

What's included?

I'm pretty chill and to the point. If you've ever worked with me you know I'm not for all the backstories and complicated stuff. We're here to get deals done so I have only included the things you need to know to understand the world of hard money for real estate investing.

A little about me...

As a hard money broker I have helped many people turn their small amounts of money into large amounts of investment cash. They have come to me with poor credit, no experience, and very little money and I have helped connect them to the right funding option for their needs.

Now I want to teach other beginning investors what they need to be qualified for big funding before they spend tens of thousands of dollars in education and lost deals. I want to help you learn how to get the funding you need before you need it so you go into the funding talks with lenders prepared to negotiate when you get to that step.

Knowing what to look for, what you need, and how this whole process works is so important. You won't be taken advantage of by lenders who can tell you don't know what you're doing. Hard money doesn't have to be hard. I'm here to help!